High Holy Days

An evening that will be spiritual and enlightening as we prepare our Torah scrolls for the High Holy Days.  The evening will include the havdalah service and a night of reflection and study.  Rabbi David will lead our adults in a discussion around the most central themes of our high holy days and how these  speak to the complicated world of today.  

There will be a special youth program (ages 4-9)designed to have them think about the ways that these holy days relate specifically to them.

We will also enjoy a special oneg, the Selichot service, and a changing of the Torah mantles.

High Holy Days 

High Holy Days are a time for reflection, introspection, prayer, and re-connection.  We welcome you to join us in celebrating and observing these special Holy days.  We offer a variety of services to meet the spiritual needs of our diverse community. Please see the Schedule of Services for a list of dates, times, and locations of services. 

Come share the spirit and wisdom of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. These Holy Days are a time of prayer, music, reflection and learning.  Come and join our congregational family for a spiritually deep High Holy Day experience.


Tashlich Ceremony
“Tashlich”  meas “casting off” in Hebrew and involves symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread into a body of flowing water.