Life and Legacy




What is LIFE & LEGACY™, and how is this initiative benefiting Adath Emanu-El? 


In 2013, the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. was selected to participate in the LIFE & LEGACY program, funded by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF). Being selected for this program is a great honor for the JCF and a momentous occasion for the long-term benefit of the Southern New Jersey Jewish community. 

Only a small handful of communities throughout North America are accepted to participate each year, and the communities that have been involved thus far have had overwhelming success since the launch of LIFE & LEGACY, collectively securing hundreds of millions of dollars in after lifetime giving. 

The JCF has partnered with Adath Emanu-El, thanks to a grant from HGF. Adath Emanu-El has been receiving training and also has the chance to earn a monetary incentive if benchmarks are met. 

If you would like to support Adath Emanu-El by establishing a legacy gift, we invite you to review and sign our Letter of Intent form and submit it to the Adath Emanu-El office. It’s easy to do and anybody can participate, regardless of age, wealth, or affiliation. 

 Click here to read more about this program

Adath Emanu-El would like to thank the following synagogue members who have already started the process of ensuring the future of our congregation!                              

Abe & Andi Morris
Ari D. Levine
Brian & Julie Sattinger
Chris & Janice Bate
Doug & Yael Emenecker
Ed & Laura Goldberg
Helen Weinheimer
Ivan & Ruth Rudolph
Jack & Mindy Miller
Jennifer Default James
Jim & Hong Kennedy
Judi Levine
Lior & Shira Keet
Marc E. Rosenberg
Maria Kelly
Rabbi Ben & Lisa David
                      Steve & Marci Gitler