Mitzvah Menschen

Calling All Mitzvah Menschen!

  • Do you have a little time?
  • Do you love to help others?
  • Do you want to give back to your Adath Emanu-El community who gives so much to you?

Then have we got a mitzvah for you!

The newly formed “Mitzvah Menschen” Committee

is looking for people like you!


How much time do you have?

1 Minute Write a letter for a sick or homebound person
5 Minutes Make a call to someone looking for some cheer or lend an empathetic ear
30 Minutes Deliver a meal
One Hour

Provide a ride to an Adath Emanu-El event, doctor’s appointment, etc.

Visit someone in need of company

For more information:

  • Contact either Stan Krantz (, 856-424-1805) or Karen Federman Ellner
  • Sign up using our Sign Up Genius account on the Adath website
  • No committee meetings necessary.  Those who join the “committee” will be emailed lists of mitzvot needed.  Open the email and sign up for the mitzvah/vot that works with your schedule!  Any time you can provide is appreciated!