Friday Night
Erev Shabbat Services | 7:30 PM | |
Family Shabbat | 1st Friday of the month | 7:30 PM |
My Shabbat (up to age 6) | Varies – please see info below | |
Kabbalat Shabbat Service | July 1 | 6:00 PM |
Saturday Morning
Shabbat Morning Service | every Saturday | 10:00 am |
Junior Congregation (Grades 5 & up) |
Saturdays TBA (October – May) |
9:15 am |
Shabbat Services are scheduled each Friday night at 7:30 PM (with the exception of our Kabbalat Shabbat in July), using the Mishkan T’Filah prayerbook, and accompanied by Cantorial Soloist Saundra Meissinger and Keyboardist Herb Malamut. An Oneg Shabbat follows the service.
Saturday morning services are held at 10:00 a.m. Twilight services are also offered on occasion. Please check our Calendar for Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations.
Simply Shabbat
Held on Saturday mornings during the weeks that B’nai Mitzvah have not been scheduled. This new format service will be informal. All participants will be invited to join in reading and/or aliyot. (Participation is optional). A light kiddush will be served after these services.
Learn more about our inspiring Holiday Services, and join us for our Special Shabbat programs throughout the year. You will find that Music — vocal and instrumental — plays a growing part at Adath Emanu-El.
Adath Emanu-El now offers a Junior Congregation Service twice a month during the school year to provide our students the opportunity to focus on practicing their prayers and their leading skills.
Shabbat Together
This program is open to anyone of any age who is affected by Special Needs and/or anybody who would like to volunteer. It is FREE and will include: -A Brief, Musical Service -Mixers -Art Projects
November 12 January 28
March 25 June 17
All programs start at 10 a.m. If you would like to participate or volunteer, contact Rabbi David at 856-608-1200.
My Shabbat (Formerly Tot Shabbat)
Join us for this new, fun, family-friendly Shabbat experience designed to keep kids engaged and excited about celebrating the holiday.
Sing songs, learn and recite Shabbat blessings, listen to stories, and more
Designed for children ages 0-8 and their families
Family-focused programming, with parent participation encouraged
Monthly themes focused on Jewish values and holidays, and hands-on projects to help kids connect with the meaning of these values and holidays
My Shabbat will be held monthly in the Tapestry Room. The program will begin Friday Evenings at 6:00 pm(F) and Saturdays at 9:15 am (S):
This program is aimed to engage children using diverse learning styles so that every child feels welcome to participate in a meaningful way. The thirty-minute service will include a Torah parade, visual aids and be easy to follow. If you have a child that has any special needs, please do not hesitate to contact us so we can further improve their experience.
Family Service
These services are also held on the first Friday evening of each month. The Family Service offers a shorter, congregational family worship experience and often features the voices of our Youth Choir.
Religious School classes have the opportunity to experience leading the congregation in worship.