Youth Programming

Youth Activities at Adath Emanu-El

The Youth Activities Committee (YAC) provides opportunities for students to make social connections outside the classroom setting. These connections will strengthen students’ feelings of belonging and inclusion in our Congregational family. 
Our programs are designed to build upon one another, fostering connections that last throughout the religious school years and lead to participation in our youth groups.
These programs begin with our grade programs, AEFTY 1-2; AEFTY 3-4 and AEFTY 5-6. Each group has social activities throughout the year that help establish social connections between students.
In addition to these programs, the Youth Activities committee in conjunction with AEFTY and AEFTY Jr. (our senior and junior youth groups) sponsor and run the following activities:

Snacks in the Sukkah – following the evening Sukkot/Consecration service snacks are served outside near the sukkah and include a campfire with s’mores, singing and fun!  

Hanukkah Party – free for children 6th grade and younger and their families with crafts, games, snacks, dreidles and gelt!   

Purim Carnival – costumes, games, prizes, food, face painting and lots of fun!